Monday, January 10, 2011

Who the heck are you?

Just spent a half hour going through my Facebook friends list deleting a bunch of "friends". I would feel bad for this but I don't. Why? Because of a few reasons: 1) I have no idea who some of them are. I mean how the heck did I click accept on some of these people?!! 2) Some of them I met back at a summer camp or some event about 5 years ago and we have not communicated since the time that we became Facebook friends. 3) Some people just annoy me(Farmville folks) and 4) Some of them have statuses that are less than encouraging.

I only made it to the J' if you saw this on Facebook and your last name is from A-J...I must like you for some reason or another. If your last name is from K-Z...your fate is yet to be determined.

It occurs to me that the term "friend" is thrown around rather loosely in todays' Facebook influenced culture. Now understand that I think social networking is a good thing and it's cool that I can connect with people that I wouldnt be able to otherwise. It's just amazing to me how going down through my list of friends that I do not know who 30 of them are...or at least I can't remember.

Here's what hit me though a few minutes ago that made me write this. I am considered God's friend. Now God has a bunch of friends yet he considers me one of them and a close one at that. There's have been times that I have not connected with God for quite some time. There have been other times that I have done things that most certainly hurts our relationship. I have made promises to Him that I have not been able to keep. I have been less than a friend to God time and time again...yet some how...some way...He still calls me his friend. He hasn't decided to "delete" our friendship. He still sees value in me...and in you.

That's a very elementary thought I know...yet at the same time it is very profound. I am glad that our Lord is not like me when it comes to friendships. How cool is it that God actually cares about our "status"?! Hopefully I am open enough to hear his "comments" on it. Okay...that's enough cheesy Facebook analogies. But seriously though...what would you do if God poked you?

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