Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Side Effects

It's a brand new year and for some reason I find myself wanting to blog. I have no idea why. The last time I wrote was 2009. This very morning I also got up early, made a pot of coffee, had breakfast, and read a book. For many people this is normal but that is not my typical morning ritual on my day off. I typically get up around 10am and then lay on the couch until 2pm watching TV and movies. But this morning i wanted to be more productive and have a feeling of accomplishment. Why you ask? Well I'm not sure but I think it has to do with this whole "new year thing".

I also have renewed my commitment to lose weight...again. I am also trying to become more faithful to my daily Bible reading and time with God...again.

What the heck is going on?! It was Friday night, time passed, and Saturday came and with it this renewed since that I could change and do the things I want to do and not be stuck in the habits of the previous day. What's up with that?!

I find it very cool that God let's us start again. We are not stuck where we are and have to put up with the habits we've formed. We have the ability to change and make choices. That, to me, is very refreshing. While I may or may not keep the habits I'm trying to form, God allows me to make that decision. And for some unknown reason, I find myself making those decisions on Jan 1st. Will it continue...well tomorrow shall tell. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Jessie Coriell said...

I agree with you Travis. I think the same thing every year too..why is it NOW I want to start making these changes, as if the start of a new year is going to make all the difference. All I know is that it is motivation enough to do it when the new year rolls around so I agree, lets thank God for allowing us to start over and try again. I have a few of my own resolutions, both of yours are also on my list as well.

Thank you God for giving us friends to inspire and encourage us with these new challenges and endeavors.

Goodluck with yours Travis - I'll be several hours away trying to do the same things, as well as many others who will be joining us I'm sure. Happy New Years to you!!