Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Have a Comment

A lot of Americans enjoy finding out what's going on in the world by reading a newspaper or watching the news on TV. I'm not one of those people. My major source for news happening around the world in found on the yahoo main page. Those neat little squares give me a vast array of mostly useless information.

A lot of Americans have that neat little thing called DVR. They can record the shows they miss. I am not one of those people. I tap into the beautiful resource of to watch my missed shows.

In either case, here's what I find fascinating: if you scroll down to the bottom of any given story or episode you will find a "comments" section. It doesn't matter if it was the most pointless story or TV episode in the world...I guarantee there will be comments. People will share their thoughts on the content. They will reply to the comments of the other people. They will cuss out those that disagree with them. They will accuse the writer of the article of having too much time on their hands. And madness will ensue.

I have always noticed this but yesterday it really made me think. These archeologist dug up this ancient spiral notebook thing that has something to do with Christianity. That's good for at least 200 comments. It has something to do with the Bible...1000 more comments. It could possibly be a find that supports an idea in the book of Revelation...2000 more comments. And the title of the blog is "Ancient find has Bible experts dumbstruck"....3000 automatic comments. In total thus far...there are 9562 comments.

Is it just me, or do people really want to share their opinions? I have no room to talk...I'm writing on a blog right now...and I'll be honest...I was one of those 9562 comments. I couldn't help it! My comment was so was possibly life changing..I wanted everyone to read it. I thought about copying it and repasting it so it wouldn't be lost on the bottom.

I get Facebook. Those are our friends and comments are expected on their statuses and photos and such...that's what makes it fun. But why is it in me to shout my opinion about a 2000 year old archeological find or what happened last night on American Idol? I went back today to look at my comment...I got 5 replies...and I was ecstatic. Kinda sad. Why is that is in me...I'm not really certain...but one thing is for sure...every one wants to have a voice and be heard.

You can comment below if you agree...we won't make fun of you :)


Anonymous said...

We as human beings have a desire to share our opinions. Technology makes it very easy for us to do so. Look at our founding fathers. The first three presidents all filled volumes with their opinions on everything from government to religion to whether horse or cow manure made the best fertilizer. I'm just glad that most people don't write the lengthy responses on blogs that people use to write in letters to one another.

Anonymous said...

A caution to my fellow commentators: The Scriptures call people who are quick to comment "fools." I'm thinking that our world would be a lot more settled if people didn't feel the need to speak. Not calling you a fool. Just sayin...