Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Status Quo

Went to the men's breakfast this morning at Bob Evan's and tried to explain Facebook to one of the older gentlemen that didn't get it. He really had no clue what it was. I explained the odds and ends of adding friends, wall postings, and instant messaging. He was most intrigued about status updates. He couldn't quite understand why people felt the need to air all of their laundry out in the open like that. I kind of had a hard time defending it. One of the other gentlemen said he felt the whole Twitter/Facebook status thing is kind of egocentric. People write what their doing and expect other people to care.

I agree to a point. Often times I will write a status in order to get a reaction or perhaps because I think something is funny or worth sharing. I can't exactly explain why it is that I am so in love with this action. It obviously consumes some people. I could tell you when some people eat, what they eat, how much they eat, and when they have a bowel movement just by looking at the status updates. I'd be lying though if I didn't say that I like to see that people are reading my statuses and even this blog. After I'm done writing this I will most certainly post this on my Facebook wall and write a creative little status that will entice you to read it. Why? Well...because...I...hmmmm. Interesting isn't it?

I think it has to do with the fact that we all enjoy companionship. We like to be connected with one another. we like to be heard. We also like to know what's going on in other people's lives. Some of us are down right nosy.  Facebook and social networking in general allows us to find out things about other people that we wouldn't typically know. It allows people who are having a bad day to express that and have people support them. Sometimes it is shallow and pointless. Sometimes people write things that should only be shared in a private personal setting. And some people use it as a self promoting platform hoping to get "likes" that will boost their self confidence.

But this does not mean that we are defective nor does this mean that Facebook is evil. Part of me writes statuses and this blog so I can be heard. Maybe that is egotistical like my friend said. But another part of me writes and shares this because I think it's what we are called to do. I write because this can be encouraging. We read in Acts 2 that the early Christians met in each others homes and shared their lives daily. Now I believe that we as a church in general need a lot more bonding time throughout the week. But I think in a way Facebook can help supplement this need as well. Often times I will see statuses asking for prayers and below are comments of support. People can share their causes with one another. Information can be shared.

This cannot replace personal time with each other...I am not saying that. But it most certainly can be a tool we use to support one another and find encouragement. Whatever you do whether in word or in deed...you know the rest. So my little challenge for me and for you if you'd want it is this...see how you can use this tool for God's glory this week and not just as a support for you.

And if you like this blog please repost this in your....just kidding. :)

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