Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!   Did you expect something else more profound than this?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Have a Comment

A lot of Americans enjoy finding out what's going on in the world by reading a newspaper or watching the news on TV. I'm not one of those people. My major source for news happening around the world in found on the yahoo main page. Those neat little squares give me a vast array of mostly useless information.

A lot of Americans have that neat little thing called DVR. They can record the shows they miss. I am not one of those people. I tap into the beautiful resource of to watch my missed shows.

In either case, here's what I find fascinating: if you scroll down to the bottom of any given story or episode you will find a "comments" section. It doesn't matter if it was the most pointless story or TV episode in the world...I guarantee there will be comments. People will share their thoughts on the content. They will reply to the comments of the other people. They will cuss out those that disagree with them. They will accuse the writer of the article of having too much time on their hands. And madness will ensue.

I have always noticed this but yesterday it really made me think. These archeologist dug up this ancient spiral notebook thing that has something to do with Christianity. That's good for at least 200 comments. It has something to do with the Bible...1000 more comments. It could possibly be a find that supports an idea in the book of Revelation...2000 more comments. And the title of the blog is "Ancient find has Bible experts dumbstruck"....3000 automatic comments. In total thus far...there are 9562 comments.

Is it just me, or do people really want to share their opinions? I have no room to talk...I'm writing on a blog right now...and I'll be honest...I was one of those 9562 comments. I couldn't help it! My comment was so was possibly life changing..I wanted everyone to read it. I thought about copying it and repasting it so it wouldn't be lost on the bottom.

I get Facebook. Those are our friends and comments are expected on their statuses and photos and such...that's what makes it fun. But why is it in me to shout my opinion about a 2000 year old archeological find or what happened last night on American Idol? I went back today to look at my comment...I got 5 replies...and I was ecstatic. Kinda sad. Why is that is in me...I'm not really certain...but one thing is for sure...every one wants to have a voice and be heard.

You can comment below if you agree...we won't make fun of you :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's with Charlie?

So unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past 2 weeks you have most likely heard Charlie Sheen's name every single day since the CBS producers cancelled Two & a Half Men. There have been 1000 interviews and 10,000 blogs written about this guy. Every radio show, every news program, even my beloved yahoo news has been talking about Charlie Sheen. It's about enough to make you want to go find a rock to hide under.

Here's my question: why are we(and the nightly news for that matter) so interested in watching this guy go crazy? It was the same deal back when Mel Gibson's recorded tapes his the media. It really does beg the question why do we as Americans get so wrapped up in stories like this? Is it entertaining to watch these guys throw their already bad reputations further into the mud?  I wonder how many legitimately good news stories were shelved because we had to hear what Charlie just did.

I don't write this to be cynical but it is frustrating to me that the media gets so much pleasure out of watching someone, who is clearly a little off, going further off the deep end. I guess Charlie has been contacting the media but it really does get blown up doesn't it? It just makes me wonder...what should my Christian attitude be toward all of this "news"? Should I ignore it? Should I pray for Charlie Sheen? What do you think?

It also makes me wonder...what if Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan had a kid.........I quiver at the thought.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Time Machine

 I've decided that there's not very many good T.V shows on Monday nights these days. Kate and I usually end up watching Pawn Stars and House Hunters. Last night I was surfing and saw the show called the Universe and they were discussing time travel. My first thought was "why the heck is this on the Universe show". But it was rather interesting. Basically they stated that time travel is possible if you can move at the speed of light...but since that is something we can't do, it's impossible for us to time travel right now. My thought was "ummm, duh...we already knew that". 
But it does make you think about what if we could. What if you were able to do it? Would you go back and try and change something? And if you changed that one event, what would it do to the future? Or would you go back and just want to witness some historical event? It;s kind of interesting to think about. 

I'm not sure what I would do. I think I would be more of a spectator.I think though that it's interesting that humans are so intrigued with this idea. I think it has to do with how we live in general. It certainly seems that humans tend to live in the past or in the future....and we kind of miss the present. Either we dwell on mistakes or successes in the past or we tend to worry/plan for the future events. Maybe that's just human nature...or maybe we are missing what God has for us right now...

I'm trying to keep my blogs shorter so I will just leave it at that.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


September 25th was the last time that I had ran a mile. I had also ran 25.2 previous miles on that day too. But since then, nothing, zilch, nada. I was tired of running and decided I would take a break. It turned out to be a long break. There were a few times that I thought about suiting up and going out into the cold...but sitting on the couch was so much more appealing! I would see those crazy people out running in the cold and I would make fun of them...even though a year ago, that was me.
Another funny thing has happened since September 25th. Something unexpected and that you will never believe...I gained weight. 15lbs to be exact. Not a lot of weight but enough to make me think. If I gain another 15lbs I will be back where i was when i did weight watchers a couple of years ago. 

So yesterday I finally went to the gym. I got on the stupid treadmill and ran a mile. 1 mile. And let me tell you, I am sore today. I ran a stinkin marathon in September and now I am sore from 1 mile. 

It's funny to me how when we quit something, it can be so hard to start it back up again. I also notice this trend in my spiritual life. If I get distracted or I let too much busyness creep in, I can tend to neglect personal time with the Lord or even opening up His Word.  I will eventually notice that something is wrong. I will see my 15 lbs of baggage, unnecessary stress, and laziness that I have put on. The cool thing is that God is loving and understanding and let's me get back on track. But let me tell you, it's not easy to just start right back up and act like nothing ever happened. There's an emotional soreness that comes with recognizing that you were undisciplined. Paul says that we are to run out the race set before us. But how does one start to run? They must first start with a walk, then a jog, then comes the running. And if you have stopped, it might take a while to get back in stride.

Take what you want from this but I take away two things...1. It's a lot better if you don't stop running in the first place and 2. God is amazing for having the patience to run with me...and stop with me...and start again with me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Status Quo

Went to the men's breakfast this morning at Bob Evan's and tried to explain Facebook to one of the older gentlemen that didn't get it. He really had no clue what it was. I explained the odds and ends of adding friends, wall postings, and instant messaging. He was most intrigued about status updates. He couldn't quite understand why people felt the need to air all of their laundry out in the open like that. I kind of had a hard time defending it. One of the other gentlemen said he felt the whole Twitter/Facebook status thing is kind of egocentric. People write what their doing and expect other people to care.

I agree to a point. Often times I will write a status in order to get a reaction or perhaps because I think something is funny or worth sharing. I can't exactly explain why it is that I am so in love with this action. It obviously consumes some people. I could tell you when some people eat, what they eat, how much they eat, and when they have a bowel movement just by looking at the status updates. I'd be lying though if I didn't say that I like to see that people are reading my statuses and even this blog. After I'm done writing this I will most certainly post this on my Facebook wall and write a creative little status that will entice you to read it. Why? Well...because...I...hmmmm. Interesting isn't it?

I think it has to do with the fact that we all enjoy companionship. We like to be connected with one another. we like to be heard. We also like to know what's going on in other people's lives. Some of us are down right nosy.  Facebook and social networking in general allows us to find out things about other people that we wouldn't typically know. It allows people who are having a bad day to express that and have people support them. Sometimes it is shallow and pointless. Sometimes people write things that should only be shared in a private personal setting. And some people use it as a self promoting platform hoping to get "likes" that will boost their self confidence.

But this does not mean that we are defective nor does this mean that Facebook is evil. Part of me writes statuses and this blog so I can be heard. Maybe that is egotistical like my friend said. But another part of me writes and shares this because I think it's what we are called to do. I write because this can be encouraging. We read in Acts 2 that the early Christians met in each others homes and shared their lives daily. Now I believe that we as a church in general need a lot more bonding time throughout the week. But I think in a way Facebook can help supplement this need as well. Often times I will see statuses asking for prayers and below are comments of support. People can share their causes with one another. Information can be shared.

This cannot replace personal time with each other...I am not saying that. But it most certainly can be a tool we use to support one another and find encouragement. Whatever you do whether in word or in know the rest. So my little challenge for me and for you if you'd want it is this...see how you can use this tool for God's glory this week and not just as a support for you.

And if you like this blog please repost this in your....just kidding. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's the bleak time of winter where experts say that depression can set in. I'm not really feeling that right now though. I have several things on my plate right now, don't get me wrong but there are a few positives in my day that make me smile. Here's my list and in no particular order:

1. Coffee. I really enjoy coffee. I just took a sip of coffee...and I really enjoyed it.
2. Squirrels. From where I sit in my office I can see 2 squirrels running around a tree chasing each other and for some reason, I think that's cool.
3. Checking stuff off my list. I didn't used to have a list. I would just kind of wing it. Kind of like throwing darts into the wind...I'd hit what I was aiming at. Now I have a weekly list...and yes blogging is part of it. Check.
4. Cooking dinner for my wife. Ladies don't "awwww" me just yet. My wife works until 7 each night since she's in tax season and if I don't cook...well we will be eating a steady diet of pb & j. However, I do enjoy looking up a recipe and making it. I am not a good cook. But I can follow directions. That is satisfying.
5. Coffee...just took another sip
6. Playing games with my wife. My wife has declared that in order to take her mind off of taxes, the hours from 9-10 every night shall be game night for us. I don't wanna brag but I can lay the smack down in the game of Life. It's nice because we will usually turn off the T.V. and play cards or something like that. Other than the time I bent her fingernail playing Egyptian's been some great bonding for us.

Last and definitely not least 7. Waking up early and not going back to bed after my wife leaves for work. My wife leaves at 7:15 and for some stupid reason a while back I started going back to bed until 8:25...I have to be at the office at 8:30. Very dumb of me. Plus I was missing out on some great devo time with the Lord during that hour. So last week I started kicking that habit and I had an amazing week. It's not easy but it's worth it....with a little help from #1 & #5.

What's your list?